

Exploration of components of low-carbon landscape and case study



Low-carbon landscape is a landscape element composed of landscape materials and facilities that can minimize carbon footprint or maximize carbon absorption. Minimizing the carbon footprint in the landscape creation process is possible through eco-friendly material selection and low management technology. Carbon absorption is achieved by trees and soil to store and sequester carbon generated within the city. As such, the low-carbon landscape has emerged as one of the core elements of a carbon-neutral city since the 2000s. However, research on low-carbon landscape in Korea is still in the conceptual establishment stage. If the design elements of the low-carbon landscape are derived through a systematic and systematic approach, it will be a useful metric in Korea's ecological landscape field, urban planning, and spatial management in the future. In this study, the low-carbon landscape constituent resources were explored based on the landscape design criteria in the urban landscape space, which is a low-carbon landscape. The landscaping elements constituting the low-carbon landscape were classified into four categories: space, facilities, materials, and planting, and each detailed element was derived. The carbon-neutral effect of the Korean landscape space was discussed using the derived components of the low-carbon landscape.


  • Yun Eui Choi College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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