

Landscape architectural trends and directions toward a low carbon eco-city



Potential serious impacts of the climate change on our living environments have evoked global interest in creating low carbon cities. The field of landscape architecture is directly associated with design and construction of low carbon cities. This presentation explores the existing trends and future new directions in landscape architecture to establish a low carbon eco-city in Korea. Much research in the field has been conducted for the last 25 years from the middle of the 1990s, even though scientists concerned have not been diverse. Trends of the research can be classified into two grand types. They are a) net carbon uptake by urban greenspace and b) carbon emissions from production or construction of landscape materials and facilities. The former type includes three sub-types: a) carbon uptake and storage by urban greenspace, b) carbon reduction from building energy savings by tree planting, and c) carbon release from greenspace maintenance. These achievements could be useful in understanding carbon cycling of urban ecosystem. However, there is still limitation in quantifying carbon budget for urban structural components. Future research directions in landscape architecture require estimating especially the size of greenspace supply to offset carbon emissions and net carbon reduction by land cover types and landscape facilities through life cycle analysis. These tasks could contribute to land use planning on an urban scale and spatial design on a site scale to help create a low carbon eco-city.


  • Hyun-Kil Jo Dept of Ecological Landscape Architecture Design, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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