

Design a modified charcoal kiln for thermal therapy and comparison of charcoal characteristics produced from the modified kiln



Thermal therapy using charcoal kiln must be giving a revitalization to the charcoal industry, which is proposed to raise the competitiveness of the domestic charcoal industry. However, using traditional charcoal kiln for thermal therapy has problems such as safety and public health. In addition, due to the lack of a standard model of the modified charcoal kiln for thermal therapy that has proven the performance of the charcoal is low intention to improve. Therefore, we developed a modified kiln for both thermal therapy and charcoal production. The design of the modified kiln for thermal therapy focused on cleanliness, safety, and a production of good quality charcoal. To solve the above-mentioned problems, entrance at the modified kiln were separated for thermal therapy and charcoal production. The charcoal kiln was manufactured by ceramic bricks, red clay, and red bricks for increasing the emission of far-infrared rays. In order to reduce a fine dust, the new fine dust collector was installed with added waste-heat circulation. Additionally, a barrier wall designed for noxious gases was laid out between the adjoining charcoal kilns for thermal therapy. Far-infrared emissivity and radiation energy values of the ceramic bricks were higher than those of red clay and red bricks, and the values in all of the materials decreased with increasing temperature. In addition, both harmful substances and fine dust content in the modified charcoal kiln met the standards of the Ministry of Environment Clean Air Conservation Act in Korea. The physical characteristics and proximate analysis of charcoal produced from the thermal therapy kiln measured for one year every two to three month. There were no noticeable differences in the monthly charcoal characteristics prepared from the thermal kiln, and the charcoal characteristics also met the reference values of the Korea Forest Service.


  • Hui-Su Lee Department of Forest materials Engineering, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea
  • Nam-Hun Kim Department of Forest materials Engineering, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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