

Response of in vitro shoot of Prunus yedoensis by liquid culture



Prunus yedoensis is a highly promising species as ornamental tree. We investigated the in vitro culture conditions for mass propagation of some superior individuals selected from the natural habitat, Jeju. The bioreactor system is one of the in vitro tissue culture methods which has the advantage of improving propagation efficiency. In order to apply the bioreactor in in vitro culture system, we tested different culture media of liquid culture. The explants were cultured in MS medium with controls(hormone-free), BA, GA3, only or BA and GA₃respectively and the growth were measured every week till 4 weeks of culture. The growth parameters in each treatment were increased rapidly until second week of culture in control and GA3, single treatment and third week in BA single and combination of BA and GA3. As the culture period gets longer, in vitro shoots showed a adverse effect such as necrosis, leaf falling, and decreased growth rate in all treatments. Especially the shoots grown in control became hyperhydrated and abnormal morphology from second week of culture. Shoots in BA and BA+GA₃treatment continued to grow up to 4 weeks, but their growth rate rapidly decreased after 3 weeks of culture. Therefore, the liquid cultivation of P. yedoensis was suitable for the mixed treatment of BA and GA₃and it is appropriate to adjust the culture period for the efficient production.


  • Uk-Han Jeong Division of Forest Resources, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea
  • Eun Ju Cheong Division of Forest Resources, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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