

Problems and Improvement Measures in the Current Counter-terrorism System : Focusing on the Military




The current "Anti-Terrorism Act for the Protection of Citizens and Public Safety" requires that if a terrorist incident occurs within a military facility, a military facility terrorism response headquarters is established and operated to comprehensively handle related situations. The military (軍) has made great progress in the field of counter-terrorism, but since prevention of terrorism is very important, the military's overall counter-terrorism intelligence activities need to be reorganized. At this point, to prevent terrorist acts within military facilities, legal reinforcement is needed to ensure smooth intelligence collection activities for each military intelligence and investigative agency. In particular, to effectively prevent terrorism, the military's intelligence collection system, which has a decentralized structure, must be unified. In addition, in order for the Military Counter-terrorism Intelligence Council to be operated to share counter-terrorism intelligence, considering the urgency of terrorist incidents, a control tower that can analyze and disseminate intelligence 24 hours a day is needed.


Concept of National Terrorism Intelligence Activities
Review of Cases of Counter-terrorism Intelligence Activities
Laws Related to Military Counter-terrorism Activities
Counter-terrorism Laws
Intelligence Collection Areas by Military-related Agencies
Military Counter-terrorism Intelligence Collection-Reporting-Dissemination System
Limitations of Military Counter-terrorism Activities
Lack of Legal Basis
Difficulty in Coping Due to Decentralized Structure
Insufficient Cooperative System
Improvement Measures for Military Counter-terrorism Activities
Supplementation of Counter-terrorism Laws
Need for a Control Tower


  • Bong Sung Seo Department of Police Administration, Osan University


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