

Performance Evaluation of Fire Retardant Wood by Laser Incising



Recently, The amount of wood being used is increasing. Accordingly, people using wood are concerned about fire. For this reason, people are interested in fire retardant wood. Many researches on fire retardant wood are under way but the actual combustion data of research is in short supply. Former fire retardant wood is mostly manufactured by pressurized water-soluble agent. In this study, we made fire retardant wood by laser incising. Laser incising method increases the pressurized impregnation amount and improves the combustion performance. Fire retardant of we using was water-soluble fire retardant developed by NIFoS. The wood was treated at a pressure of 13bar using a self-developed pressurizing impregnation system. The scale used in the experiment was cone calorimeter as it measures heat release rate and total heat released. The combustion performance of the wood was analyzed according to ISO 5660-1. The PHRR of untreated specimens was 196.21 kW/m². When the hole density was 2500 ea/m², 8100ea/m² and 40000 ea/m², the PHRR was 132.52 kW/m², 113.71 kW/m² and 61.24 kW/m² respectively. The THR of untreated specimens was 63.6 MJ/m². When the hole density was 2500ea/m², 8100 ea/m² and 40000 ea/m², the THR was 58.3 MJ/m², 48.1 MJ/m² and 24.0 MJ/m². The result of the experiment would be useful of guiding the fire safety using wood.


  • Jung-Eun Park Div. of Wood Processing, Dept. of Forest Products, National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea
  • Sae-Min Yoon Div. of Wood Processing, Dept. of Forest Products, National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea
  • Won-Joung Hwang Div. of Wood Processing, Dept. of Forest Products, National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea
  • Yong-Seok Choi Div. of Wood Processing, Dept. of Forest Products, National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea
  • Dong Won Son Div. of Wood Processing, Dept. of Forest Products, National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea

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