

Diseases on urban trees caused by fuvngal pathogens in South Korea



Numerous diseases on trees or forest crops caused by various fungal pathogens have been increasingly reported in many countries. This is due to the fact that the human-mediated movement of the pathogens via wood materials and climate changes affecting worldwide. During a recent survey of tree diseases carried out to identify the fungal pathogens, especially infecting urban trees between 2017 and 2018, numerous fungal pathogens were identified and were confirmed occurring in many parts of the regions in South Korea. This includes Pseudocercospora sp., Desarmillaria sp., Botryosphaeriaceae and the ophiostomatoid fungi. Of those identified, Botryosphaeria spp. were the most commonly isolated from Sorbus alnifolia and Juglans sinensis, and are seriously causing damages on the trees. Although the pathogenicity of the pathogens that belong to Ceratocystidaceae isolated has not been confirmed yet, Ceratocystis species were also commonly collected from Quercus spp. and Prunus sp. in South Korea. Fungal pathogens that belong to Botryosphaeriaceae were commonly associated with branch and twig. These diseases are closely associated with plant stress. In this regard, this raises the importance of the species under a scenario of global change, including climate change and other, especially anthropogenic changes to the environment that place pressure on plant communities. The ophiostomatoid fungi isolated were closely associated with wounds inflicted on the trees and were confirmed occurring. This in turn raises concern to the country, given the fact that this group includes many important and well-known primary pathogens infecting trees and forestry crops. To effectively control the fungi-associated diseases on urban trees, a precise diagnosis of the pathogens is of crucial importance. In this regard, more rigorous identification of the pathogens is needed to better access the relevance of the diseases and decide about the need for control measures.


  • Dong-Hyeon, Lee Division of Forest Diseases and Insect Pests, National Institute of Forest Science


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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