

Banquet Speaker Abstract

Development of Functional Products to Improve Metabolic Syndrome using Korean Red Pine Bark Extracts



The chemical constituents of wood consist of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin and extractive. Cellulose is approximately 40-45% of the dry weight in most wood species, hemicellulose 20-25%, lignin 25-30%, and extractive 5-10%. Celluloses belong to a group of homogeneous polysaccharides. However, in contrast to celluloses, hemicelluloses are hetero polysaccharides. Also more than 80% of wood extractives are saccharides. Therefore, more than approximately 70% of wood chemical constituents are carbohydrates. Today the behaviors of carbohydrates, including lignin, that consist of celluloses and hemicelluloses are well known in the chemical or functional aspects. However, the study of wood extracts has been left out so far and now has a growing interest. This presentation will include the overviews on the chemical constituents of wood, including wood extracts, the overall processes for the utilization of extracts such as isolation, structure elucidation, and evaluation of functionality, and finally the manufacture of several products using Korean red pine extracts.


  • Young-Soo Bae Collegement of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea


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