

Plenary Speaker Abstract

Using Avian as Tropical Forest Ecosystem Health Indicator



The needs to develop methods of sustainable management is important due to increasing forest land use. Relevant ecosystem qualities should be defined and measured to allow for monitoring and planning. The main objective of this study is to compare the composition and abundance of bird species in primary and logged forest in order to identify the potential bird species that can be used as indicators of forest ecosystem health. Bird survey was carried out using mist-nets at Sungai Lalang Forest Reserve, located in the state of Selangor, West Malaysia. The results indicated that a total of 20 families were captured, which were represented by 58 species (271 individuals), 62 species (288 individuals) and 61 species (386 individuals) in the primary, 5-year-old and 10-year-old logged forests respectively. The Pycnonotidae and Nectariniidae, which mostly comprised of secondary or colonizing species such as bulbuls and spiderhunters increased in number while the primary forest babbler species of Timaliidae and flycatcher species of Muscicapidae decreased when condition shifted from primary to logged forests. Results also indicated that insectivore, which includes sallying insectivore, terrestrial insectivore, foliage-gleaning insectivore and bark-gleaning insectivore, represented the highest number of species captured in primary forest. In contrast, more frugivore/insectivore and nectarivore/insectivore species were captured in logged than in primary forest. In general, edge or secondary species, many of which are frugivore/insectivore and nectarivore/insectivore guilds, had increased in number while interior forest species, in particular insectivore decreased in logged forests. This implies that the sensitivity of birds to the changes in the forest condition that they depend on may provide direct indication to the health of the forest ecosystem. In other words, the effectiveness at conserving the birds will also indicate the success in safeguarding ecosystem functions and biodiversity as a whole. As such, it means that the maintenance of the key components of biodiversity such as avifauna with respect to their significant ecological roles may be an option that aids in the sustainable management and the long-term productivity of forests.


  • Mohamed Zakaria Hussin Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor Malaysia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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