

Habitat altitude and home range of the Long-tailed goral (Naemorhedus caudatus) in Korea



Now, Goral is classified into 4 subspecies, level I Vulnerable species, inhabitat rocky region and timberland, and because of heavy snow in winter, they move lower areas, and do not leave main habitats. To make an effective defence from threat of predators, Gorals prefer steep slope-land and rocky region. In Korea, except for 4 area(Soeraksan, DMZ, Yanggu·Hwacheon, and Uljin·Samcheok), there is just little populations remained in other area, so without human's support, Gorals will go extinct by inbreeding, etc. Species Survival Commission(SSC) of International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) noticed necessity of protecting goral, so they registered goral as level I Vulnerable species and Appendices Ⅰ in CITES, Endangered Animal I and goral is protected by the National Treasure Act no. 217 in Korea. The reasons of decrease in Gorals are habitat destruction by development of forests and poaching. Therefore, although, for protection and conservation of Korean gorals, elemental ecology and behavioristic such as home range, habitat use, diet characteristics, behavioral ecology should be precede, it is very difficult to study ecology and behavior of gorals in the wild. With data from GPS collars, we analyzed the behavioral characteristics of the endangered Long-tailed goral (n=10) in three locations (Seoraksan and Woraksan National Park, and the Uljin area), from March 2007 to May 2014. We found significant differences in the home range size of males and females. Females and Males significantly differed in their habitat altitudes depending. We examined significant differences in the habitat use of Long-tailed gorals, and provide elementary data for habitat stabilization goral restoration has advanced. Thus, our findings will contribute to a better understanding of Long-tailed goral restoration ecology.


  • Gyu-cheol Kim Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service, Gurye 542-853, Korea
  • Chea-un Cho Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service, Gurye 542-853, Korea
  • Yong-hak Lee Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service, Gurye 542-853, Korea
  • Dong-Ju Song Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service, Gurye 542-853, Korea
  • Jang-ik Son Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service, Gurye 542-853, Korea
  • Seung-Jun Jeong Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service, Gurye 542-853, Korea
  • Dong-un Lee Species Restoration Technology Institute, Korea National Park Service, Gurye 542-853, Korea


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