

Restoration planning of rare species, Aster altaicus var. uchiyamae Kitam by reintroduction



Aster altaicus var. uchiyamae Kitam is distributed in mid-Korea, Gangwon and Chungchung Provinces. The species is considered as critically endangered and endangered species by Korean government agencies. Although the class is different, it is obviously faced the threats to be extinct due to several reasons. We surveyed the natural habitats in three different locations along with the Namhan River regions to find the possible threats to the species extinction. The environment of the habitats were dramatically changed and defragmented since 2008 due to a construction of dams. The invasive or exotic plant species, Coreopsis drummondii, Themeda triandra var. japonica, and Arundinella hitra var. ciliate, were found in the habitats. The population size of the species was decreased because of frequent attacks by herbivores. We analyzed the causes and threats on to the species, Do-ri Island was selected for the restoration site. The number of the species in Do-ri Island was dramatically decreased since 2013 and no plants were found any more. We are planning to reintroduce this species into Do-ri Island accompany with the IUCN restoration guideline. In this plan, there are three criteria of evaluation to ensure the success of reintroduction by translocation. In ecological aspect, survivals of seedlings depends on the plant size, planting density, and competing vegetation. Introduce plants originated from far from the restoration candidate site to increase genetic diversity of the species. Lastly encourage the participation of local communities in the project for long term monitoring in the aspect of social, cultural and economic aspect. This strategy was established to complement the previous restoration projects which had no afterward evaluation after the reintroduction.


  • Jae-Geun Kim Hwaghaksan Arboetum, Yeoju-si, Republic of Korea; College of Forest and Environmental Science, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Republic of Korea
  • Eun-Ju Cheong College of Forest and Environmental Science, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 200-701, Republic of Korea
  • Yoon-Yeong Lee Hwaghaksan Arboetum, Yeoju-si, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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