

Molecular phylogenetic analysis of bats in Korea



Mitochondrial DNA Cytochrome b was analysed to identify the intraspecific molecular phylogenetic relationships 9 species such as the greater horseshoe bat Rhinolophus ferrumequinum, the alashanian pipistrelle bat Hypsugo alaschanicus, the hodgson's bat Myotis formosus, the eastern water bat Myotis petax, ikonnikov's bats Myotis ikonnikovi, the big-footed bat Myotis macrodactylus, the far eastern myotis Myotis bombinus, the long-eared bat Plecotus ognevi, the hilgendorf's tube-nosed bat Murina hilgendorfi in South Korea. According to intraspecific molecular phylogenetic analysis based on neighbor joining and bayesian inference, R. ferrumequinum in South Korea was grouped with northeastern China and Japan population (100/1.00). In South Korean population, H. alaschanicus was verified only monophyletic group (100/0.94) while M. formosus was grouped with China (Jilin) population (78/0.67). The M. petax populations were divided into two groups in South Korea (97/1.00). The first group was involved in with China, Japan (Hokkaido), Russia (Novosibisk) population (60/1.00). And another group was classified as only monophyletic group (100/1.00). M. ikonnikovi in South Korea was grouped with Russia (Sakhalin) population (98/0.88). M. macrodactylus populations were divided into three groups. The southern coast group which was included in with Japan (Nagasaki) population (99/1.00), mainland group was analysed China (100/0.98). Also Jeju island group was involved in with Japan (Honshu) population (57/0.94). M. bombinus in South Korea was phylogenetically closed to China and Russia (Primorskiy) population (97/1.00). P. ognevi was verified only monophyletic group (100/1.00) and M. hilgendorfi was related to Japan population (100/1.00) in South Korea. In conclusion, 9 bat species showed molecular phylogenetically the only South Korean monophyletic or grouped with bats of neighbor countries. This study provided useful information to understand phylogenetic classification of Korean bats


  • Hye ri, Kim National Park Research Institute, Wonju, 26441, Republic of Korea
  • Mi gyeong, Jeon National Park Research Institute, Wonju, 26441, Republic of Korea
  • Eui kyeong, Kim National Park Research Institute, Wonju, 26441, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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