

Prospect of the Studies on Sustainable Availability for the Conservation of Spiders from Korea



In order to preserve global biodiversity, the International Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 1992 and the ABS (Access to genetic resources and Benefit Sharing) Nagoya Protocol in 2010 were adopted. In particular, biological sovereignty, the basic concept of the ABS Nagoya Protocol to be implemented in earnest this year, has been the most important consideration of biodiversity research. The concept of biological sovereignty is the concept that each country has the right to protection, conservation, and sustainable use of its biodiversity. Especially, its effectiveness of biological sovereignty became concrete by ABS. To respond to biological sovereignty and ABS, National Institute of Biological Resources(NIBR) was established in 2007 by the government (Ministry of Environment). The main function of NIBR is to survey and discover indigenous species in Korean peninsula and to analyze the industrial usefulness of these species. Among the indigenous species estimated to live in about 100,000 species, approximately 700 spiders are recorded. Spiders are being actively studied from the fields of taxonomy to application researches such as venom, silk and etc in worldwide. It is suggested new direction and future of biodiversity research aimed at strengthening biological sovereignty on the Korean peninsula as a model of spider research.


  • Jung-Sun Yoo Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resoureces


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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