

Current Status of Korean Araneology and Global Use of Spiders



Current status of Korean Araneology and global use of spiders were analyzed and explored. General biological and ecological information such as geological history, biodiversity, taxonomic status and relatives of spiders is summarized. A total of 712 publications during 1907-2016 including original description on the Korean spiders and records of taxonomic description were critically reviewed. Records only from locations within the present borders of South Korea are listed. A total of 795 spider species of 273 genera belonging to 46 families are confirmed to exist in Korea. In Korea, spider studies are mainly focused on taxonomic description, followed by faunistic studies, biological characteristics, ecological characteristics, checklists, and scientific exploitation. Overall, spider studies in Korea have been concentrated on classical fields such as taxonomic and faunistic studies, and the physiologically active substances and bioavailability of spiders have been analyzed to be very poor. Recent studies on the use of arachnids have been deviated from the classical use of spider webs, herbal medicines, pets including tarantulas, nutrients for human and animals or natural enemies against agricultural and forest pests. Among them, the nutritional use and pets of spiders has been a big market until recently. In addition, the spiders are currently regarded as an environmental indicator of various environmental pollution and climate change. Recent studies on the use of spiders have approached the active use of physiologically active substances produced by spiders such as spider poisons and spider webs. Research using spider poisons has led to the development of bio-pesticides and various therapeutic agents. On the other hand, the research to use the spider silk is very wide. The use of spider silk has attracted attention as a fifth-generation textile and bio-steel, and is being used in the production of bulletproof vests. In addition, it is an important material for surgical suture and nerve repair, and recently it has also attracted attention as an phonomic materials. Arazyme, secreted by microorganisms living in the stomach of golden web spiders in Nephilidae, has been put to practical use in the removal of pollutants, reagents, medicines and cosmetic products. Until now, there have been few systematic studies on the use of spiders in Korea, but it is time to look at the active use of spiders.


  • Seung Tae, Kim Life and Environment Research Institute, Konkuk University
  • Sue Yeon, Lee Research Institute for Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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