This paper aims to provide a semantic approach to Nominative-Genitive (NOM-GEN) Conversion in Korean adnominal clauses. First, I present the seven distributional properties of NOM-GEN conversion in adnominal clauses. Second, I will argue that the NOM-GEN conversion in the clause should be investigated with reference to the notion "event" in subatomic event semantics proposed by Parsons (1990). That is, it will be argued that the conversion is allowed when the adnominal clauses involve "Cul" events, which are also affected by Tense and Aktionsart. Third, I will claim that NOM-GEN conversion is closely related to singular vs. goneral proposition distinction. That is, it will be argued that the GEN-marked adnominal clauses induce generic or general interpretation.
3."Event" Semantics and the Conversion
3.1 (A)temporality and the Case Alternation
3.2 Aktionsart and the Conversion
4.Genericity and NOM-GEN Conversion