

Original Article

정력자(Lepidii seu Descurainiae Semen) 위품, 콩다닥냉이(십자화과)의 미세형태학적 연구


Micromorphological study of the Lepidium virginicum L. (Brassicaceae), an adulteration species of the Lepidii seu Descurainiae Semen

강연찬, 송준호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Lepidium virginicum L., recognized as an adulterant of Lepidii seu Descurainiae Semen, belongs to the Brassicaceae Burnett family. This study aimed to analyze and describe the characteristics of epidermal cells from the leaves, sepals, petals, and seeds using light microscopy, stereoscopic microscopy, and field emission-scanning electron microscopy. The leaves of L. virginicum are of the amphistomatic type. The epidermal cells from the leaves are irregular and convex, with striations on the surface of the cuticle layer. There are long, simple unicellular trichomes on both the adaxial and abaxial surfaces of the leaves. The inner side of a sepal is an isodiametric rectangle, whereas the outer side has an irregular cell shape with an undulated anticlinal cell wall. A unicellular papillose trichome and stomata-like structures are present on the outer side of a sepal. The epidermal cells from an anther are square or pentagonal, with striations on the cuticle layer's surface. The petal's epidermal cells are hexagonal on the proximal surface and conical on the distal surface. The periclinal cell walls of a petal are convex with striations, and the cell shapes are papillose. A wing-like appendage is found at the marginal part of a seed, with papillose epidermal cells. The obtained results provide valuable information for the correct authentication of Lepidii seu Descurainiae Semen and offer insights into future taxonomic research on the genus Lepidium L.


1. 재료 및 방법
2. 결과
3. 고찰
감사의 글


  • 강연찬 Yeonchan Kang. 충북대학교 생물학과 학부과정
  • 송준호 Jun-Ho Song. 충북대학교 생물학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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