

译者惯习对翻译策略的影响研究 - 以《素食者》中、英译介为例


An Analysis about Influence of Translator Habits to Translation Strategies : A Case on Comparative Study of English and Chinese Versions of The Vegetarian. Linguistics Studies.

역자관습대번역책략적영향연구 - 이《소식자》중、영역개위례

孙诗淳, 徐永彬

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Drawing on Bourdieu’s reflexive sociology, this paper takes HanKang’s English and Chinese translations of The Vegetarian as a case study. It first examines the distinct translating habits developed by Deborah Smith and Hujiaotong during their educational, social, and other socialization processes. Then the paper analyzes the influence of the unique impact of the two translators’ habits on their translation efforts in terms of translation principle and translation strategies. Additionally, the paper makes a comparison of the two translations from the perspectives of three different factors: field’s alteration, aesthetics focus, and translator’s visibility or invisibility. Based upon this, the study reveals the underlying reasons, for the success of English and Chinese translation of korean literature, in the hope that both success stories can give insights into the project of korean literature “going global” at the present time.


1. 引言
2. 英、中译者惯习的形成和惯习在翻译活动中的介入
2.1 英译者黛博拉·史密斯的译者惯习及其在翻译活动中的介入
2.2 中译者胡椒筒的译者惯习及其在翻译活动中的介入
3. 翻译策略的选择
3.1 句子部分
3.2 段落部分
4. 中英译本对比分析
4.1 场域的变更
4.2 审美的侧重
4.3 译者的现身或隐身
5. 结语


  • 孙诗淳 손시순. 对外经济贸易大学/ 博士研究生
  • 徐永彬 서영빈. 对外经济贸易大学/ 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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