

Voices of Jeju : The Critical Need for Trained Interpreters in Jejueo Proficiency


Eunjin Heo

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the necessity for professional interpreters proficient in Jejueo, a distinct dialect spoken on Jeju Island, South Korea. Through an analysis of Jejueo's linguistic features, including phonology, morphology, and lexicon, it highlights the potential challenges that non-native Jejueo speakers may encounter in understanding Jeueo. The imperative for Jejueo interpretation emerges from the global need to advocate for and safeguard the invaluable natural, cultural, and historical heritage of Jeju Island, including landmarks like Hallasan, the haenyeo culture, and significant events such as the Jeju 4.3 Incident. Given the substantial linguistic disparities from Standard Korean and the unique regional culture, interpreters well-versed in Jejueo and Jeju culture are indispensable. Experimental outcomes highlight the difficulties faced by interpreters who have resided on Jeju Island for an extended period in understanding Jejueo, leading to markedly lower interpretation accuracy. Conversely, native Jejueo-speaking interpreters demonstrate notably faithful interpretations. These findings underscore the necessity for separate Jejueo learning, even for long-term Jeju residents, to ensure effective interpretation and communication.


1. Introduction
2. The distinctiveness of Jejueo from standard Korean
2.1 Phonology
2.2 Morphology
2.3 Lexicon
3. Interpretation needs of Jejueo
3.1 Recognized values of Jeju Island
3.2 Significance of Jejueo in promoting Jeju’s heritages
4. Interpretation of Jejueo into English
4.1 Jejueo text analysis for interpretation
4.2 Interpreters
4.3 Impact of Jejueo exposure on interpretation accuracy
5. Conclusion


  • Eunjin Heo Jeju National University / Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation / Lecturer


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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