

<다국어대역사전>의 표제어 ‘우리나라’, ‘우리말’, ‘우리글’의 외국어 대역 및 뜻풀이 분석


Analysis of the foreign language translations and interpretations of the terms urinara, urimal, and urigeul in the Multilingual Translation Dictionary.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research aims to analyze how the National Institute of Korean Language's Multilingual Translation Dictionary interprets and translates compounds formed with uri + noun. The term uri transcends mere possession to reflect Korean identity, belonging, and community consciousness. While familiar to Koreans, embedded within cultural contexts, it poses challenges for foreigners to grasp and articulate. Specifically, this study reviews the dictionary entries for urinara, urimal, and urigeul to examine their translation patterns. The analysis revealed inconsistencies and inaccuracies in term translations and definitions, highlighting areas for improvement such as lack of consistency, overlooking cultural sensitivities, and the potential for subjective interpretation by translators. The study underscores the significance of translation work in shaping perceptions and attitudes of language users and the crucial role of reviewers in ensuring consistent, standardized translations. Through analyzing vocabulary that aptly represents Korean culture, like uri, the study hopes to enhance understanding and conveyance of the unique facets of the Korean language and culture.


1. 서론
2. ‘우리’의 의미
2.1. 복수를 나타내는 ‘우리’
2.2 단수를 나타내는 ‘우리’
3. ‘우리나라’, ‘우리말’, ‘우리글’의 뜻풀이와 대역
3.1 한국어사전에서의 뜻풀이
3.2 <다국어대역사전>에서의 표제어와 뜻풀이 대역
4. 결론


  • 한승규 Han, Seungkyu. 호남대학교 교양대학 교수.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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