

영어수동문의 한국어 번역에 대한 비교 분석 : 기계번역과 학부생 및 통번역전공대학원생의 포스트에디팅 중심으로


Comparison and Analysis of the Korean Translation of English Passive Voice Sentences : Focusing on Machine Translation, Graduate Translation and Undergraduate Translation.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examines machine translation challenges and potential improvements in the translation of English passive voice sentences. It involved a comparative analysis between translations from the Papago machine translator and those edited by students, focusing on sentences with and without 'by' agents. The participants were 12 graduate students from a school of translation and interpretation and 12 undergraduate students. Additionally, a survey assessed the perceived utility of machine translation. The analysis showed that machine translations often maintained the original English word order, leading to issues such as incorrect subject-verb agreement and the presence of translationese. In contrast, student edits tended to adjust the translations to fit Korean syntax better. Both groups of students reported positive views on the usefulness of machine translation. This paper is to help produce better Korean translations of English passive voice sentences by comparing machine-generated and student-edited translations and considering feedback from a related survey.


1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 영어와 한국어의 수동문 특성
4. 실험 내용 및 방법
4.1 영어 번역 원문과 설문지
4.2 실험 대상
4.3 분석기준
5. 실험 결과
5.1 설문지 분석
5.2 영어 수동문 번역 분석 결과
6. 논의 및 결론
<부록> 영어 수동문 원문


  • 변길자 Byun, Gilja. 제주대학교 영어영문학과 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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