

Research on the Development Strategy of International Competitiveness of Korean and Chinese Film Industries


Feng, Yueping

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The film industry is a diverse and interdisciplinary field that combines art, technology, business and culture. It not only provides entertainment and inspiration, but also promotes scientific and technological progress, cultural exchange and economic development. This paper compares the development characteristics and current situation of the film industry in Korea and China, and looks for directions that can be learned from the rise and internationalization of Korean films. Korea and China belong to the same East Asian cultural circle, and there are similarities and differences in the film industry. Korean films have continuously strengthened themselves by optimizing the industrial structure, adjusting policies, and strengthening content production. China's film market is the second largest film market in the world, but there is still a great imbalance between the film's international influence, overseas cultural output ability and the existing market position. Through SWOT analysis of the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats facing the development of China's film industry, we propose strategic choices and directions.


I. Introduction
II. Research Background
1. The Rise of Korean Film
2. The Development of Chinese Film
3. Research Questions and Methodology
III. Analysis of the Structure of the Korean and Chinese Film Industries
1. Status of the Korean Film Industry
2. Status of China's Movie Industry
IV. SWOT Analysis: Development Mechanismof Korean Film Industry and InfluentialFactors of Chinese Film Industry
1. Korean Film Industry Development Mechanism
2. Influential Factors of China's Movie Industry
3. Response Strategy: The Pursuit of Progress in the Pursuit of Stability First Established and Then Broken
V. Conclusions and Limitations


  • Feng, Yueping Ph. D. Student, Department of Business, Kyonggi University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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