

EF-hands in CBP7 are Important in the Process of Development




Calcium ions play an important role in development and intracellular signaling . Dictyostelium discoideum has 14 genes encoding calcium -binding proteins (CBPs), but the function of most CBPs during development has not yet been studied . In this study, we investigated the specific functions of CBP7, one of 14 CBPs, in development using RNA interference cell lines of CBP 7, cell lines overexpressing CBP 7, cell lines with point mutations in the EF-hand domain , and cell lines expressing fragment proteins . was intended to reveal. CBP7 consists of 169 amino acids and contains 4 EF-hand domains. The CBP7-overexpressing cells showed complete loss of developmental process . These cells remained in the single-cell growth stage under development -inducing conditions , while wild-type cells formed aggregations within 6– 8 h of development and eventually formed fruiting bodies . The experiments using point-mutated CBP7 protein showed that all EFhand domains of CBP7 were important for CBP7 to function during developmental process . These results suggest that CBP 7 plays an important role in developmental processes across all EF-hand domains.


1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Strains and cell culture
2.2. Fluorescence image acquisition
2.3. Development
3. Results
3.1. Identification of the gene encoding CBP7
3.2. Developmental defects induced by overexpression of CBP7
3.3. Development at various calcium concentrations
3.4. EF-hands in CBP7 are important in the process of development
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Dahyeon Kim Department of Integrative Biological Sciences & BK21 FOUR Educational Research Group for Age-associated Disorder Control Technology, Chosun University
  • Taeck Joong Jeon Department of Integrative Biological Sciences & BK21 FOUR Educational Research Group for Age-associated Disorder Control Technology, Chosun University
  • Byeonggyu Park ALBIOTEK, 302, Galmachi-ro, Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
  • Dong Yeop SHIN INVIVO Co. Ltd., 121, Daehak-ro, Nonsan 32992, Republic of Korea


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