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Chemotaxonomic Significance of Oregonin in Alnus japonica Native to Baekdudaegan Mountain Range in Korea



Alnus japonica is indigenous to korea and usually grows in wet lowlands and damp regions in the mountains. Oregonin, is known as a representative compound of the diarylheptanoid mainly found in Alnus species and has been reported to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. In this experiment, we conducted a study on the presence of orogonin in the native Alnus japonica from the Baekdudaegan mountain range in Korea. We collected a total of 30 samples from Chuncheon, Yangyang, and Jeongseon and conducted experiments. In the HPLC analysis, we confirmed that oregonin was detected in all samples. After the quantitative analysis, samples with the highest content from each region were selected and LC-MS/MS experiments were performed. As a result, the same molecular weight as oregonin, 477.2 m/z, was confirmed in all samples.


Materials and Methods
30 samples of A. japonica collected from Baekdudaegan mountain range
Quantitative chromatographic analysis of oregonin using HPLC in 30 species of A. japonica from Baekdudaegan mountain range
Molecular weight confirmation of A. japonica from Baekdudaegan mountain range by LC-MS/MS analysis
Results and Discussion


  • Hyeondu Jang Department of Forest Biomaterials Engineering, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University
  • Sunmin Park Dr. Oregonin Inc., Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea
  • Seong Gyeom Kim Department of Forest Biomaterials Engineering, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University
  • Seung Bin Bae Department of Forest Biomaterials Engineering, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University
  • Hee Jeong Min Gangwon State Forest Science Institute, Chuncheon 24207, Republic of Korea
  • Chan Ok Lee Gangwon State Forest Science Institute, Chuncheon 24207, Republic of Korea
  • Hee Kyu Kim Gangwon State Forest Science Institute, Chuncheon 24207, Republic of Korea
  • Jin-Kyu Kim Gyeonggido Business and Science Accelerator, Suwon 16229, Republic of Korea
  • Sun Eun Choi Department of Forest Biomaterials Engineering, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Dr. Oregonin Inc., Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea


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