

Session Ⅴ: Best papers

Ensuring Security in Cloud Computing : Challenges and Mitigation Strategies



This paper delves into the crucial need for robust security measures to protect web services from cyber threats that can compromise their availability, veracity, and privacy. The introduction highlights the inadequacy of existing solutions that are limited to specific use areas and emphasizes the importance of web services being able to respond effectively to assaults and incursions. The related work section discusses the research on web services that has primarily focused on modeling, design, and testing in light of more damaging threats. The methodology section outlines the penetration testing cycle for the SPARCI System, which includes testing for various types of attacks such as DOS, Brut Force Web, Brute Force SSH, Session Hijacking, DNS Spoofing, ARP poisoning, NoSQL Injection, and Memory dump. In this study, we have worked on DOS attacks, and the remaining will be targeted later in the future. The experimental setup includes the necessary instance, Linux system, Python packages, and installed software such as Burp Suite to perform the attack. The results section presents the findings of the penetration testing and the effectiveness of the mitigation strategies employed. The paper concludes that the proposed methodology can be used to identify vulnerabilities in web services and provide recommendations for their mitigation. The study highlights the importance of continuous monitoring and testing of web services to ensure their security and prevent cyber-attacks in terms of identifying and mitigating various vulnerabilities in the existing systems.as.




  • Mubeen Iftikhar Department of Computer Science University of Koblenz Koblenz, Germany
  • Awais Ashraf Department of Computer Science University of Gujrat Lahore, Pakistan
  • Sehrish Aqeel FCSIT Unimas, Department of Computer Science University of Malaysia, University of South Asia Malaysia, Pakistan
  • Gulzar Ahmad Department of Computer Science University of South Asia Lahore, Pakistan
  • Kanza Fatima Department of Software Engineering University of South Asia, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Adnan Khan Department of Computing, Skyline University College, Sharjah, UAE


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