

Research Article

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic properties of fruiting bodies and their mycelia as sources of Cordyceps


Si Young Ha, Ji Young Jung, Jae-Kyung Yang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Mushrooms play crucial roles as reservoirs of naturally occurring bioactive compounds. Among these, Cordyceps militaris is significant because of its well-established reputation for organoleptic excellence and positive health effects, which have led to its widespread commercialization. In contrast, the key properties of Paecilomyces variotii, an ectomycorrhizal symbiont, has received limited attention. In alignment with current research trends, the study of the mycelia and culture media of these mushrooms hold promise in identifying potential sources of valuable bioactive compounds. In the present study, we investigated C. militaris and P. variotii for their phenolic acids and sterols, assessing antioxidant capacity, anti-inflammatory effects, and anti-proliferative activity. Interestingly, P. variotii mycelia exhibited higher concentrations of ergosterol and phenolic compounds, with comparable levels observed in the fruiting bodies, along with superior antioxidant activity compared to that of C. militaris. In contrast, C. militaris mycelia demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects (which were absent in P. variotii mycelia) and cytotoxicity comparable to, and at times exceeding, that of its fruiting bodies (in contrast to P. variotii). In addition, the species analyzed in this study displayed variations in growth rates and mycelial production, which merit consideration for potential future applications and further study.


Fruiting body and in vitro production of mycelia
Preparation of the extracts
Analysis of phenolic acids
Analysis of ergosterol
Antioxidant activity
Anti-inflammatory activity
Cytotoxic activity
Statistical analysis
Chemical characterization of the extracts
Antioxidant activity
Anti-inflammatory activity


  • Si Young Ha College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Materials Science, GyeongSang National University
  • Ji Young Jung College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Materials Science, GyeongSang National University
  • Jae-Kyung Yang College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Department of Environmental Materials Science, GyeongSang National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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