


중소기업의 ISO 14001 EMS 규격의 도입에 따른 경영개선연구


A Study on the Management Improvement by the Introduction of ISO 14001 EMS Standard for Small and Medium Enterprises

신용성, 전소윤

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, employees of domestic small and medium-sized incense burner manufacturing companies that obtained ISO 14001 environmental management EMS standard system certification were surveyed, and the survey period was conducted for two months from October 15, 2023 to December 15, 2023. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed and a total of 75 copies were used as final analysis data, excluding unfaithful answers, lost and damaged questionnaires. As a result of the analysis of this study, it was discovered that domestic small and medium-sized home market manufacturers have already introduced and operated the ISO 14001 environmental management EMS standard system or are preparing to introduce it due to rapid environmental changes and improvements at home and abroad, Through the introduction and operation of the ISO 14001 environmental management EMS standard system, it was discovered that domestic SMEs have already formed and spread a consensus on the need for an environmental impact assessment and a proactive management and evaluation system for dangerous substances.


本研究以已获ISO14001环境经营EMS标准体系认证的国内中小化妆品制造企业从业人员为调查对象,并限定其样本进行了研究,调查时间为2023年10月15日-2023年12月15日,为期2个月,共发放问卷150份,剔除不诚实回答及丢失、损坏的问卷,共搜集75份问卷作为最终分析数据。研究结果显示,随着国际竞争力的加强和出口贸易壁垒的解除,国内中小化妆品制造企业为应对骤变的国内外环境并做出积极改善,已引进ISO 14001环境管理EMS标准系统或正在准备引进。通过引进及运营ISO 14001环境管理EMS标准系统,企业内部已经达成了对环境影响评价和危险物质的事前预防管理及评价系统的必要性共识,正处于积极扩散的状态。


I. 서론
II. 연구내용 및 방법
1. 연구대상 및 기간
2. 설문의 구성
III. 연구결과 및 고찰
1. 조사대상자의 일반현황
2. ISO 14001 환경경영 EMS 표준시스템 도입효과 분석
3. ISO 14001 환경경영 EMS 표준시스템도입 후 개선효과 비교
4. 인증심사의 부적합 정도
5. 인증 추진 및 취득 과정의 애로사항
IV. 결론


  • 신용성 Yong-Sung Shin. 신경주대학교 K-뷰티.음악학과 교수
  • 전소윤 So-Yun Jun. 신경주대학교 K-뷰티.음악학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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