

디자인계열 전문대생의 취업준비행동과 취업준비장벽에 관한 연구


A study on Employment Preparation Behavior and Employment Preparation Barriers of Design-related College Students

정선정, 이순행, 이현민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



At a time when job competencies based on creativity are required due to the 4th Industrial Revolution and digital transformation, research is needed to reexamine the employment preparation status and barriers of college students. In this study, design-related college students, who feel a great burden in preparing for employment due to the short period of study, and who are more influenced by creative work activities than preparing for employment through established channels such as civil service exams or certifications, were asked to find out what kind of employment preparation activities they do and the difficulties they face. Research was conducted to find out what it is. For this purpose, we analyzed the employment preparation behavior, level and effort, career counseling, and difficulties of 34 final year design college students in the Gyeonggi-do region. Frequency analysis and descriptive statistics were conducted on closed-ended response data, and qualitative analysis was conducted on open-ended response data. The main conclusions of this study are: First, the average number of employment preparation activities for design-related college students is 5, with more than half of them engaging in grade management (67.6%), design tool study (64.7%), graduation work preparation (55.9%), portfolio creation (52.9%), and contest preparation (52.9%). Second, the level of employment preparation and effort (based on 10 points) of design-related college students was within the average level, at 5.38 and 5.61, respectively. The reason for the lack of effort to prepare for employment was that most students complained of a lack of time due to concurrent studies and part-time work. Even if they did not work part-time, they complained of an absolute lack of time as they had to carry out various activities during the short period of study, such as studies, graduation projects, and field training. Third, 61.8% of students received career counseling, and they received counseling from 4.4 types of counselors (friends 73.5%, professors 64.7%, family relatives 52.9%, acquaintances 38.2%, seniors 26.5%, and industry experts 11.8%). Fourth, as a result of categorizing closed and open-ended responses regarding difficulties in employment preparation into employment preparation barriers, 15 barriers were identified, ① lack of employment information, ② lack of career clarity, ③ career indecision (undecided on field of employment, undecided on employment/admission), ④ uncertainty about career vision, ⑤ lack of interest in major, ⑥ financial difficulties, ⑦ young age and hope for diverse experiences, ⑧ difficulty with interpersonal relationships, ⑨ lack of time due to short period of classes at junior college, ⑩ lack of design skills and confidence, ⑪ depletion of energy due to concentration in studies, ⑫ resume, cover letter, interview difficulties, ⑬ lack of awareness of the need for employment, ⑭ difficulty preparing for employment on one's own, ⑮ other military issues, and studying English. The significance of the study is to comprehensively explore college students' employment preparation behaviors and barriers that are hidden in diagnostic tools related to employment preparation. In particular, new employment preparation barriers (design barriers, burnout barriers) of design-related college students that were not covered in previous studies on employment preparation barriers. The results can be seen as suggesting the need for various follow-up studies.


4차 산업혁명과 디지털 전환 등으로 인해 창의성에 기반한 직무역량이 요구되는 현시점에 대학생의 취업준비 상황과 장벽을 재조명해 보는 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구는 수업연한이 짧아 취업준비에 큰 부 담감을 가지며, 공무원 시험이나 자격증 등 정해진 경로에 의한 취업준비보다는 창의적인 작품활동에 많은 영향을 받는 디자인계열 전문대생을 대상으로 그들이 어떠한 취업준비행동을 수행하며, 취업을 준비하는 데 겪는 어려움과 힘든 점은 무엇인지 등 그들의 취업준비 현상을 포괄적으로 연구하였다. 이 를 위해 경기도 지역의 디자인 대학 최종학년 34명의 취업준비행동과 수준 및 노력, 진로상담, 어려움 등을 조사하고, 폐쇄형 응답자료는 빈도분석과 기술통계를, 개방형 응답자료는 질적분석을 실시하였다. 주요 결론은 첫째, 디자인계열 전문대생의 취업준비 활동은 평균 5건으로, 절반 이상이 학점관리 (67.6%)와 디자인툴 공부(64.7%), 졸업작품 준비(55.9%), 포트폴리오 제작(52.9%), 공모전 준비(52.9%) 등에 참여하였다. 둘째, 디자인계열 전문대생의 취업준비 수준과 노력(10점 기준)은 각 5.38, 5.61로 보 통 이내 수준이었다. 취업준비 노력이 부족한 이유는 대부분 학업과 아르바이트 병행으로 시간 부족을 호소하였고, 아르바이트를 하지 않더라도 학업과 졸업작품, 현장실습 등 짧은 수업연한 동안 다양한 활 동을 수행해야 하는 절대적인 시간 부족을 호소하였다. 셋째, 진로상담을 받은 학생은 61.8%로, 4.4개 유형의 상담자로부터 상담을 받았다(친구 73.5%, 교수 64.7%, 가족친척 52.9%, 지인 38.2%, 선배 26.5%, 업계전문가 11.8% 순). 넷째, 취업준비 어려움에 대한 폐쇄형, 개방형 응답을 취업준비 장벽으 로 범주화한 결과, ①취업정보 부족, ②진로명확성 부족, ③진로미결정(취업분야 미결정, 취업·진학 미 결정), ④직업비전 불확실성, ⑤전공흥미 부족, ⑥경제적 어려움, ⑦나이가 어려 다양한 경험 희망, ⑧대 인관계 어려움, ⑨전문대 수업연한이 짧아 시간 부족, ⑩디자인 실력과 자신감 부족, ⑪학업매진으로 에너지 고갈, ⑫이력서·자소서·면접 어려움, ⑬취업필요성 인식 부족, ⑭혼자서 취업준비 어려움, ⑮기 타 군문제 및 영어공부 등 15개 장벽을 도출하였다. 연구의 의의는 취업준비 관련 진단도구에 가려져 있는 대학생들의 취업준비행동과 장벽을 포괄적으 로 탐색하였으며, 특히 취업준비장벽 선행연구에서 다루지 않았던 디자인계열 전문대생의 새로운 취업 준비장벽(디자인 장벽, 번아웃 장벽) 도출은 다양한 후속연구 필요성을 시사한다고 볼 수 있다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
2.1 디자인계열 전문대생
2.2 대학생 취업준비행동
2.3 대학생 취업준비장벽
Ⅲ. 연구방법
3.1 연구절차
3.2 연구대상
3.3 조사지 구성
3.4 자료수집 및 분석
Ⅳ. 연구결과
4.1 응답자 일반적 특성
4.2 취업준비행동
4.3 취업준비행동 수준 및 노력
4.4 진로상담 및 정보수집
4.5 취업준비장벽
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언
5.1 결론
5.2 제언


  • 정선정 Sun-Jeong Jeong. 한국기술교육대학교 직업능력심사평가원 센터장
  • 이순행 Soon-Haeng Lee. 계원예술대학교 디지털미디어디자인과 조교수
  • 이현민 Hyunmin Lee. 한국고용노동교육원 조교수


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