The Effects of the Business Incubator’s Support Programs on Business Performance of Resident Companies - Focused on Moderating Effect of Core Competencies -
The main purpose of this study is to empirically analyze the effect of the business incubation center's support program on the business performance of resident companies and whether the core competencies of resident companies have a significant moderating effect in the relationship between them. To this end, a research model and hypotheses were developed based on literature review of previous research, and a total of 499 data collected from resident companies in business incubation centers across the country were used for analysis. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, among the start-up incubation programs, physical infrastructure, technology and commercialization, networking, and funding and investment support were found to have a positive influence on business performance. Second, it was found that the core competencies of the resident company, such as technical competency and marketing competency, both had a positive influence on business performance. Lastly, in the causal relationship between the business incubation center’s support program and business performance, core competencies such as technical competency and marketing competency were found to have a significant moderating effect in most relationships except for some. Based on the research results, meaningful implications that can be used for effective start-up incubation project management for resident companies were presented.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 창업보육센터의 기능 및 지원 프로그램
2.2 핵심역량
3. 연구 설계
3.1 연구모형과 가설
3.2 연구변수의 조작적 정의
4. 가설 검증 및 결과 분석
4.1 표본 및 자료수집 결과
4.2 타당성 및 신뢰성 분석
4.3 상관관계 분석
4.4 연구가설 검증 및 논의
5. 결론 및 시사점