


「んだって」の伝聞的用法に関する研究 -ノダの機能を中心に-


Study of the Japanese hearsay usage “ndatte” - focusing of the function of “noda” -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims at revealing the characteristics of the Japanese heasay “んだって (ndatte)”, focusing on the grammatical and semantic features. The summary of the main characteristics is as follows. First, different from a quotatve usage of “んだ・って”, in hearsay, “んだって” becomes formalized and is used as a modality which expresses the speaker’s attitude, and it serves a similar function as “そうだ(soda).” Secondly, unlike a quotation, the original speaker and time and space are not clear. The original speaker can be either explicit or non-explicit in the sentence, but it is often not-explicit. Thirdly, “んだって” has pragmatical usage expressing and . This paper also discussed on the function of “のだ” from a pespective of . When “んだって“ is in the , it explains the cause or reason of the preceding descriptive sentence, and it has two functions of hearsay and explanation. However, ”んだって“which is outside of the , it has only the function of hearsay, which often can be seen in usage.


1. はじめに
2. 先行研究と本稿の立場
2.1 先行研究
2.2 本稿の立場
3. 「んだって」の二つの用法
3.1 引用用法
3.2 伝聞的用法
4. 「んだって」におけるノダの機能
4.1 説明の構造
4.2 伝聞の「んだって」におけるノダの機能
5. おわりに


  • 高橋美保 Takahashi, Miho. 韓国外国語大学 日本語通翻訳学科 外国人助教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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