

커뮤니티 개발을 위한 우리나라의 주민 참여에 관한 연구


Citizen Participation in South Korea for a Community Development


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to examine citizen participation in Korea from the perspective of community development. The study sheds light on the value and importance of citizen participation through a qualitative analysis of related articles and administrative reports. Participation is crucial in community development. Its theoretical basis is related to a rational approach based on postmodernism. The concept of participation is applied to urban planning to approach problems from a wide range of perspectives and information. The legitimacy of participation is theoretically recognized from this. Although space is an important factor in participation, it is not always clearly defined. Therefore, citizen participation should be designed to enable the involvement of various stakeholders and society across different spatial boundaries. It is important to maintain a balanced and objective approach, avoiding biased language and ensuring precise word choice. The text should also adhere to conventional academic structure and formatting, with clear and concise sentences that create a logical flow of information. Participatory planning in Korea is oriented towards voluntary or resident-led forms, influenced by the Japanese ‘machizukuri’ movement and the Saemaul Movement. However, the difference between the Korean sense of community and other cultures' sense of community has created problems for the current resident-led participatory approach. To address this, a more balanced approach that takes into account cultural differences may be necessary. Resident participation is recognized as a means of forming and growing social capital. Citizen participation can be summarized as a coordinator, connector, supporter, facilitator, planner, implementer, and participant. Distinct roles have been identified for each status.


1. 서론
1.1 연구배경 및 목적
1.2 연구범위 및 방법
2. 커뮤니티 개발에서 참여의 정당성
3. 물리적 공간과 사회 조직의 통합 개발 단위로서커뮤니티 개발, 그리고 우리나라의 주민참여형커뮤니티 개발을 위한 공간 중심의 사업 단위
4. 우리나라 공동체 문화와 주민 참여
5. 사회적 자본 성장재으로서 주민참여의 가치
6. 결론


  • 최성진 Choi, Sung-Jin. 원광대학교 도시공학과 부교수, 도시계획학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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