

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

A Study on the Development Direction of Medical Tourism and Wellness Tourism Using Big Data



Since COVID-19, many foreign tourists have visited Korea for medical tourism. When statistical data were checked from 2022, after COVID-19, the number of foreign patients visiting Korea for two years was 24.8 million, an increase of 70.1% from 2020. It was confirmed that it has achieved a 50% level compared to 2019 (Statistics Office, 2023). Therefore, to create a development plan by linking medical tourism and wellness tourism, the purpose of this study is to find the link between medical tourism and wellness tourism as big data and present a development plan. In this research method, medical tourism, and wellness tourism for two years from 2022 to 2023 from the post-COVID period as big data are set as central keywords to compare text data to find common points. When analyzing wellness tourism and medical tourism, it was confirmed that most wellness tourism had a greater frequency than medical tourism. This confirmed that wellness tourism occupies a larger pie than medical tourism. As a result, when checking the word frequency, it was confirmed that wellness tourism and medical tourism share a lot as complex tourism products, and when checking 2-gram, to attract many medical tourists, it is necessary to combine medical tourism clusters and wellness tourism according to each other's characteristics among local governments.


1. Introduction
2. Research methods
3. Discussion
4. Conclusion


  • JINHO LEE Ph D. Student, Department of Immersive Content Convergence, Kwangwoon University, Korea
  • Gi-Hwan Ryu Professor, Department of Tourism and Food Industry, Graduate School of Smart Convergence, Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Korea


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