

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

Data Visualization of Site-Specific Underground Sounds



This study delves into the subtle sounds emanating from beneath the earth's surface to unveil hidden messages and the movements of life. It transforms these acoustic phenomena into digital data and reimagines them as visual elements. By employing Sismophone microphones and utilizing the FFT function in p5.js, it analyzes the intricate frequency components of subterranean sounds and translates them into various visual elements, including 3D geometric shapes, flowing lines, and moving particles. This project is grounded in the sounds recorded in diverse 'spaces of death,' ranging from the tombs of Joseon Dynasty officials to abandoned areas in modern cities. We leverage the power of sound to transcend space and time, conveying the concealed narratives and messages of forgotten places .Through the visualization of these sounds, this research blurs the boundaries between 'death' and 'life,' 'past' and 'present,' aiming to explore new forms of artistic expression and broaden perceptions through the sensory connection between sound and vision.


1. Introduction
2. The Relationship Between Underground Sounds and Life, and the Significance ofSound Data Conversion
2.1 Theoretical Approach to the Association Between Underground Sounds and Life
2.2 Technical Methods for Converting Sounds into Data and Their Artistic Applications
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Sound Recording
3.2 Sound Analysis
4. Data Analysis and Results
4.1 Analysis and Comparison of Sound Data by Location
4.2 Dynamic Changes in Visual Elements Based on Sound Data
5. Conclusion


  • Tae-Eun, Kim Professor, Department of Performance Art and Multimedia DongYang University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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