

Culture Information Technology (CIT)

Trade Change in Shipping and Logistics : The Case of HMM



The objective of this paper is to investigate digital transformation in logistics within the shipping and logistics industry. This paper examines the case of Hyundai Merchant Marine (HMM) and draws insights from its success in becoming the top company amidst the industry challenges. To achieve a more in-depth analysis, a single-case study approach was employed. Various secondary data have been analyzed to support the examination of HMM's digital transformation. HMM has emerged as a global leader in transportation services. The company's success is attributed to its development of diverse ships, robust logistics systems, and pioneering a digital logistics platform, ultimately overcoming the crisis. Especially, this paper show that the digitalization of logistics has been analyzed as the most significant transformation. The findings of this paper can offer valuable implications for other companies grappling with similar challenges in the current trade landscape.


1. Introduction
1.1. The Crisis of Shipping Industry with slowdown in International Trade
2. Background of the Study - Income Elasticity
3. Introduction to Representative Companies - HMM
3.1 The Strategy Change of HMM
3.2. HMM’s Strategies for Respondigng to Crisis
3.3. HMM’s Innovation Strategy
3.4. HMM’s Operation Strategy
4. SWOT Analysis of HMM
5. Discussion
5.1. Future of HMM’s Digital Logistics Platform
6. Conclusion


  • Kim, So Hyung Assistant Professor, Department of International Trade, Kyonggi University


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