

Telecommunication Information Technology (TIT)

A study of virtual human production methods : Focusing on video contents



Interest in virtual humans continues to increase due to the development of generative AI, extended reality, computer graphics technology, and the spread of a converged metaverse that goes beyond the boundaries between reality and virtuality. Despite the negative public opinion that virtual humans were just temporary form of entertainment event in the early days of their emergence, the reason they are showing continuous growth is due to the unique characteristics of virtual humans and the expansion of diverse usage from technological advancements. The production of video content using virtual humans is becoming vigorously active, but currently there is limitation and no exact process for the technology to apply virtual humans to video content for it to be produced accordingly to the characteristics or situations of virtual humans. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of virtual human production technology methods & processes, and identifying the impact of each production technology on the production environment through examples of virtual human content applied to domestic and international video contents. In conclusion, by proposing an appropriate production method for each content, we hope to develop and assist production practitioners so they can effectively use virtual humans in video content production.


1. Introduction
2. Background Theory
2.1 Definition of Virtual Human
2.2 Emergence and Market Trends of Virtual Humans
3. Virtual Human Production Technology
3.1 Classification of Production Technology
3.2 Process of Virtual Human Production
3. Analysis of Utilization Cases in Video Contents
3.1 Utilization Cases of Virtual Humans
5. Conclusion


  • Kim, Kwang Jib Assistant Professor, School of Media, Seoul Institute of the Arts, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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