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Improving Accuracy of Instance Segmentation of Teeth



In this paper, layered UNet with warmup and dropout tricks was used to segment teeth instantly by using data labeled for each individual tooth and increase performance of the result. The layered UNet proposed before showed very good performance in tooth segmentation without distinguishing tooth number. To do instance segmentation of teeth, we labeled teeth CBCT data according to tooth numbering system which is devised by FDI World Dental Federation notation. Colors for labeled teeth are like AI-Hub teeth dataset. Simulation results show that layered UNet does also segment very well for each tooth distinguishing tooth number by color. Layered UNet model using warmup trick was the best with IoU values of 0.80 and 0.77 for training, validation data. To increase the performance of instance segmentation of teeth, we need more labeled data later. The results of this paper can be used to develop medical software that requires tooth recognition, such as orthodontic treatment, wisdom tooth extraction, and implant surgery.


1. Introduction
2. Semantic instance segmentation and layered UNet
3. Teeth dataset & Warmup trick
4. Simulation and Results
5. Conclusions


  • Jongjin Park Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Chungwoon University, Incheon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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