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For the Protection of Infant Life Development and Support of Social-Linked App



This study focused on social connection apps and support among various measures to prevent 'killing and abandonment of infants', which has recently become a social issue. The research method attempted to show the necessity of a social-linked app by analyzing the contents of 12 cases with peculiarities in the infant murder process in the judgment after 2021. Infanticide mothers were found to be economically and socially vulnerable, and they killed infants to continue their lives. Focusing on the mind of human respect rather than the judicial meaning of punishing crime, the development of social connection apps and support services that allow both mothers and infants to be healthy and socially protected were proposed. The first is a great transformation of economic support and awareness for pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting. Second, it is necessary to develop a confidentiality counseling and information app that can comprehensively support medical directions and social welfare in consideration of the health status of the fetus and women and the socio-economic situation. Third, it is proposed to promote the use of the Internet such as joint childcare facilities of social communities, child protection institutions, and adoption systems. The government should investigate the reasons for not being able to register birth, the root causes of killing and abandonment of infants, and come up with practical plans and policies for them.


1. Introduction
2. Experiments
1. The crime of infanticide
2. A Baby Shelter
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Yoon Soo Lee Assistant Professor, Department of social welfare, Busan University of Foreign Studies, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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