

IT Marketing and Policy

The Effect of Delivery Service Quality in Online Shopping Mall on Customer Value, Customer Trust, and Relationship Persistence Intention



This study investigated the effect of the delivery service quality of Mongolian online shopping on the customer value, customer trust, and relationship persistence intention of Mongolian consumers. Through this, the purpose of this study is to understand the priorities of the quality conditions of delivery services (accuracy, economy, information, safety, tangibility, etc.) that Mongolian consumers value. The empirical analysis results of this study are as follows. First, the effect of delivery service quality on the intention to continue the relationship showed partially significant results. In other words, economics, information, and safety, excluding accuracy and tangibility, influenced the intention to continue the relationship. Second, the effect of delivery service quality on customer value was partially significant. In other words, accuracy, economy, safety, and tangibility, excluding informativity, influenced customer value. Third, the effect of delivery service quality on customer reliability was partially significant. In other words, economics, safety, and tangibility, excluding accuracy and informativity, influenced customer reliability. Fourth, the hypothesis of customer value on customer reliability was adopted, followed by the hypothesis of customer value on relationship continuity intention. Finally, the hypothesis of customer reliability on relationship continuity intention was adopted.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background & Hypotheses
2.1. The relationship between delivery service quality and customer value
2.2. The relationship among delivery service quality, customer trust, and Intention to continue the relationship
2.3. Influence relationship between customer value, customer reliability, and relationship continuity intention
3. Survey Design
3.1. Operation definition and measurement questions of delivery service quality
3.2. Reliability & Validity Analysis
4. Hypothesis Test Results
4.1. Analysis of the effect of delivery service quality on customer value
4.2. Analysis of the effect of delivery service quality on customer trust
4.3. Analysis of the effect of delivery service quality on the intention to continue the relationship
4.4. Analysis of the effect of customer value on customer trust
4.5. Analysis of the effect of customer value on the intention to continue the relationship
4.6. Analysis of the effect of customer trust on the intention to continue the relationship
5. Conclusion


  • ENKHTSETSEG ENKHTUYA Master’s degree, Department of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business and Public Admistration, Mokpo National University
  • Min Jung Kang Professor, Department of Business Administration, Mokpo National University


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