

Device and Module

The Effect of Warm-Up Method on Exercise Performance and Rate Pressure Product during Resistance Training



We are designed was to find an efficient warm-up method for resistance training for muscle hypertrophy, and 10 males with at least 3 years of resistance training experience were selected as subjects. The 75% 1RM was measured directly based on the pre-measured bench press 1RM. After that, the main experiment of 75% 1RM bench press according to the three warm-up methods was conducted one week apart, and all experiments were randomized and cross-over. Performance according to the warm-up method (3) was measured by total exercise volume, and physiological changes were determined by myocardial workload. All post-measurement data were analyzed using SPSS.22.0 and analyzed using repeated measures one-way ANOVA and contrast comparisons were made using the deviation method. The results showed that the method of gradually increasing the number of repetitions by performing the same intensity as the intensity of the main exercise in the form of muscle hypertrophy, but at submaximal repetitions, showed the highest performance.


1. Introduction
2. Experiment materials and methods
2.1 Subject
2.2 Measurement procedure
2.3 Measuring variables
2.4 Statics analysis
3. Result
3.1 Difference in total work
3.2 Difference in total work
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Hwanjong Jeong Visiting Professor, Department of Sports and Health Care, Dankook University, Korea


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