

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

A Feasibility Study on RUNWAY GEN-2 for Generating Realistic Style Images



Runway released an updated version, Gen-2, in March 2023, which introduced new features that are different from Gen-1: it can convert text and images into videos, or convert text and images together into video images based on text instructions. This update will be officially open to the public in June 2023, so more people can enjoy and use their creativity. With this new feature, users can easily transform text and images into impressive video creations. However, as with all new technologies, comes the instability of AI, which also affects the results generated by Runway. This article verifies the feasibility of using Runway to generate the desired video from several aspects through personal practice. In practice, I discovered Runway generation problems and propose improvement methods to find ways to improve the accuracy of Runway generation. And found that although the instability of AI is a factor that needs attention, through careful adjustment and testing, users can still make full use of this feature and create stunning video works. This update marks the beginning of a more innovative and diverse future for the digital creative field.


1. Introduction
2. Background of Study
3. Analysis of Typical Case
3.1 The Impact of the Number of Subjects on Video Accuracy
3.2 Action Proportion's Impact on Runway Accuracy
3.3 Main Object Edge Impact on Runway Accuracy
4. Conclusion


  • Yifan Cui Master’s Course, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Xinyi Shan Ph.D, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea
  • Jeanhun Chung Professor, Dept. of Multimedia, Gradute School of Digital Image and Contents, Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea


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