

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

A Research on Efficient Skeleton Retargeting Method Suitable for MetaHuman



With the rapid development of 3D animation, MetaHuman is widely used in film production, game development and VR production as a virtual human creation platform.In the animation production of virtual humans, motion capture is usually used.Since different motion capture solutions use different skeletons for motion recording, when the skeleton level of recorded animation data is different from that of MetaHuman, the animation data recorded by motion capture cannot be directly used on MetaHuman. This requires Reorient the skeletons of both.This study explores an efficient skeleton reorientation method that can maintain the accuracy of animation data by reducing the number of bone chains.In the experiment, three skeleton structures, Rokoko, Mixamo and Xsens were used for efficient redirection experiments, to compare and analyze the adaptability of different skeleton structures to the MetaHuman skeleton, and to explore which skeleton structure has the highest compatibility with the MetaHuman skeleton.This research provides an efficient skeleton reorientation idea for the production team of 3D animated video content, which can significantly reduce time costs and improve work efficiency.


1. Introduction
2. Related Research
2.1. 3D Animation
2.2. MetaHuman
2.3. Skeleton Retargeting
2.4. Bone Adaptation
3. Efficient Skeleton Retargeting Method based on MetaHuman Animation
4. Experiment
4.1. Experimental Methods and Design
4.2. Experimental Process
4.4.Comparison of Experiment Results
5. Conclusion


  • Shijie Sun Master’s Course,Department of Visual Contents,Dongseo University,Korea
  • Ki-Hong Kim Professor,Department of Visual Contents,Dongseo University,Korea
  • David-Junesok Lee Assistant Professor, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, Korea


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