


Effect of Sustainable Luxury Message Framing on Brand Evaluations



The current study examined the causal relations among sustainable luxury campaigns' message framing types (negative vs. positive), sustainable brand image and perceived consumer effectiveness. The study tested the moderation of perceived brand luxury about the message framing types, sustainable brand image, and perceived consumer effectiveness. An online survey adopting luxury product is conducted with a total of 194 Korean consumers, testing the hypotheses. In the results, the message framing type is found to significantly affect perceived consumer effectiveness but not sustainable brand image. Perceived brand luxury significantly negatively moderates the relationship between the message framing type and perceived consumer effectiveness but not between the type and sustainable brand image. The results supported the positive influence of perceived consumer effectiveness on sustainable brand image. The moderation of perceived brand luxury was confirmed only for the relationship between the message framing type and perceived consumer effectiveness. The results empirically confirm that the message frame of luxury marketing could positively affect consumers' attitude formation, such as perceived consumer effectiveness, which is consistent with previous studies' research results. The results document that luxury brands using a negative message frame type had a more significant effect on perceived consumer effectiveness than the positive frame type. The findings contribute to the literature of new media-based sustainable marketing of luxury products as to how it affects consumers' brand evaluation and purchase intention, focusing on the causal relationships among the message-framing type of sustainable luxury marketing, sustainable brand image, and perceived consumer effectiveness. Given the increasing pursuit of sustainability in the luxury industry, the results contribute to deriving implications for sustainable marketing of efficient luxury brands.


1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Sustainable Luxury Message Framing
2.2 Perceived Consumer Effectiveness
2.3 Sustainable Brand Image
2.4 Perceived Brand Luxury
3. Method
3.1 Study Design
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 Preliminary Analysis
4.2 Framing Type of Message to Consumer Effectiveness and Brand Sustainability (H1–H2)
5. Conclusion


  • Eun-Jung Lee Professor, Department of Fashion Design, Kookmin University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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