


3D 프린팅을 이용한 장갑전투도저 원심펌프 임펠러의 성능 개선 연구


Study on the Performance Improvement of the Armored Combat Dozer Centrifugal Pump Impeller using a 3D Printer

박민성, 정원지 , 김현수 , 송의영 , 천현욱

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper proposes the armored combat bulldozer, essential for amphibious tasks, requires water ingress prevention and submersion capabilities, typically addressed by a centrifugal pump. This study aims to boost the bulldozer's drainage pump efficiency by replacing the traditional aluminum 3-blade impeller with one made of ASA material using 3D printing. Analysis via ANSYS Fluent revealed that the 5-blade impeller increased discharge volume by 19.31% and efficiency by 6.07%, while the 6-blade variant saw a 27.07% increase in discharge volume and 8.81% efficiency improvement. Further scrutiny with ANSYS Static Structure ensured the new impellers' structural integrity and robustness under extreme conditions. This research confirms the potential of 3D printing in enhancing military equipment, demonstrating significant improvements in pump performance and opening paths for advanced manufacturing techniques to meet the demanding needs of combat vehicles.


1. 서론
2. 원심펌프 구조 및 분석
2.1 원심펌프 구조
2.2 임펠러 설계
3. 임펠러 깃 수에 따른 전산해석
3.1 임펠러 유동해석
3.2 임펠러 구조해석
3.3 깃 수별 임펠러의 효율
4. 고찰 및 결론


  • 박민성 Min-Seong Park . Member, Changwon National University
  • 정원지 Won-Jee Chung . Professor, Changwon National University
  • 김현수 Hyun-Su Kim . Member, Changwon National University
  • 송의영 Eui-Young Song. Member, Changwon National University
  • 천현욱 Hyeon-Uk Chun . Member, HAEAML, Tech


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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