


와이어 압출 방법을 통한 HDPE 접합공정의 개선 형상별 실험적 연구


Experimental Study by Groove Shape of HDPE Joining Process using Wire Extrusion Method

이충우, 우수성 , 김지선

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The overseas small ship market is witnessing a trend towards research aimed at substituting Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP), which poses environmental concerns, with High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) in the shipbuilding process. Given the low melting point and high coefficient of thermal expansion of HDPE, research on joint areas is essential. This study focuses on preliminary investigations into ensuring the integrity of joints in shipbuilding processes using HDPE materials. Utilizing the Hot Gas Extrusion Welding method, which is conducive to joining large structures such as ships, HDPE joints were conducted. The material properties were evaluated based on the ASTM D638-14 international standards. This research aims to provide fundamental knowledge on the joining process of HDPE through Hot Gas Extrusion Welding and offers guidance on ensuring the integrity of joints in shipbuilding.


1. 서론
2. 실험 방법 및 계획
2.1 실험 방법
2.2 실험 계획
3. 접합실험 결과
4. 접합부 결과 분석
4.1 인장 성능
4.2 개선 형상별 접합 결과 분석
5. 결론


  • 이충우 Chung-Woo Lee . Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 우수성 우수성. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology
  • 김지선 Ji-sun Kim . Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Senior Researcher


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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