


반려동물 기능성 사료 첨가 원료 제작을 위한 돼지감자 추출물의 최적의 항산화 특성에 관한 연구


Study on Optimizing the Antioxidant Properties of Jerusalem Artichoke Extract for Producing Additive Raw Materials for Functional Pet Food

박길영, 정훈, 문민석

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The global pet market is continuously growing as the number of single-person households increases along with the preponderance of the nuclear family, so pet-related industries are steadily growing. In addition, the market related to the health of companion animals is also increasing significantly. Regarding the health of companion animals, it is reported that the incidence of adult diseases, like humans, is growing mainly due to activities in indoor environments and the lack of exercise due to the lack of time for companion animals. This paper studies the antioxidant properties of Jerusalem Artichoke extract, which can be used as a raw material for functional foods related to adult diseases in companion animals by using substances extracted from Jerusalem Artichokes grown by the first author. Samples to be tested were extracted from hot water extraction and ethanol extraction methods according to conditions. To confirm the antioxidant properties, absorbance analysis, thin-layer chromatography (TLC) analysis, polyphenol measurement, flavonoid measurement, and radical scavenging ability measurement by DPPH were performed to determine whether the raw materials applied in this paper could be used. It was confirmed that Jerusalem Artichoke extract is a suitable additive raw material for functional pet food.


1. 서론
2. 실험 방법
2.1 실험 소개
2.2 돼지감자 추출물 제조
2.3 Thin-layer chromatoqraphy(TLC), 흡광도를 이용한 이눌린(Inulin)분석
2.4 폴리페놀 측정
2.5 플라보노이드 측정
2.6 DPPH에 의한 라디칼 소거능 측정
3. 실험 결과 및 고찰
3.1 TLC및 UV-vis spectrophotometer
3.2 수득률 및 폴리페놀 함량 분석
3.3 플라보노이드 함량 분석
3.4 DPPH 라디칼 소거능
4. 결론


  • 박길영 Kil-Young Park . Korea Carbon Industry Promotion Agency
  • 정훈 Hun Jeong. CEO, I Squared M Co., Ltd; Chief Researcher, Korea Carbon Industry Promotion Agency
  • 문민석 Min-Seok Moon. CEO, I Squared M Co., Ltd; Chief Researcher, Korea Carbon Industry Promotion Agency


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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