

新媒体环境下高等院校基于微信公众号开展就业指导的路径探究 —— 以通化师范学院为例


Research on the path of Career Guidance in Normal Colleges under the New Media Environment-Take Tonghua Normal University as an example

兰怀昊, 洪志明

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years, China's advancing education standards and the increasing number of college graduates have brought forth significant challenges in their employment prospects. Addressing the employment concerns of college graduates has emerged as a societal priority. College students comprise a vital talent pool for the nation, the future of the country and its next generation of leaders, and the major contributors to national revitalization. Therefore, it is of great importance to seek to find effective solutions to their employment challenges. Employment guidance for college students bridges the gap between graduates and potential employers and plays an essential role in the overall employment process. This has drawn widespread attention from both governmental and societal sectors, making it a top priority for higher education institutions. In the context of new media and rapid technological advancements, universities are incorporating platforms like WeChat, Douyin (TikTok), and Weibo into their employment guidance, which enhances the curriculum and caters to the students' needs. Consequently, a growing number of universities are harnessing the power of new media technologies to establish comprehensive "Student Employment Guidance" systems to offer contemporary and extensive guidance. However, despite these efforts, some areas still await further improvement in terms of implementation and effectiveness. Challenges include gaps in the curriculum, a shortage of experts in employment guidance, and issues associated with the use of new media platforms. To address these challenges, it is recommended that institutions adhere to relevant national policies, develop quality employment guidance systems, and engage experts in the field. Furthermore, effective use of new media platforms, with a focus on communication and interaction with students, will ensure that higher education institutions can provide superior employment guidance while delivering more opportunities for students to pave a smooth pathway for the current graduate employment guidance.


1. 引言
2. 概念界定
2.1 新媒体的概念
2.2 大学生就业指导
3. 微信公众号与通化师范学院就业指导结合现状概述
3.2 通化师范学院云就业微信公众号功能
3.3 通化师范学院云就业微信公众号成果分析
4. 新媒体环境下高等院校就业指导公众号建立存在的问题
4.1 技术差距过大
4.2 传播效果不明显
4.3 就业公众号与就业指导课程衔接不畅
5. 新媒体环境下高等院校就业指导策略
5.1 贯彻落实国家相关政策, 建设高质量就业指导服务体系
5.2 就业指导和新媒体专业人员的培养
5.3 加强新媒体平台与线下课程的衔接
5.4 合理利用新媒体平台, 增强新媒体平台的传播


  • 兰怀昊 Lan Huaihao. 教育学专业, 世翰大学, 通化师范学院 教师
  • 洪志明 홍지명. 教育学专业, 世翰大学, 教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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