

Technology Convergence (TC)

A Study on the Effect of Abelmoschus Manihot Jinhuakui Extract on Odor Reduction




With the commercialization and full-timeization of the livestock industry, civil complaints continue to increase, and the livestock industry is facing a crisis due to social problems such as odor caused by livestock manure, soil pollution, water pollution, and environmental pollution. In order to increase productivity in livestock farms, the amount of livestock manure generated is increasing due to excessive use of protein feed and high-density breeding environment, and complaints such as odor and water pollution due to management problems are increasing rapidly. Livestock odor has emerged as a serious social problem, and due to growing complaints, conflicts between the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Environment are even causing the livestock industry to lower its status. There is an urgent need for solutions to identify problems in the livestock industry and improve policies. This study aims to develop a " Abelmoschus Manihot Jinhuakui " brand that can improve the intestinal environment of livestock, reduce odors caused by livestock excrement, and improve the productivity of livestock farms in order to improve the increasingly serious odor problem in livestock sites. For Jeju livestock farms, which place more importance on the environment by securing tourists, eco-friendly feed additives were applied to the experiment, the results were derived, and the focus was on solving fundamental problems of odor generation through the development and packaging of feed additive brands. We aim to fundamentally solve the odor problem of domestic livestock farms, secure eco-friendly livestock farms, and contribute to reducing livestock odors and increasing productivity through research results that reduce ammonia levels in each livestock farm.


1. Introduction
2. Research direction
3. Background of Odor Reduction
3.1. Use of physical ventilation
3.2. Chemical Odor Reduction Method
4. Background of Odor Reduction
4.1. Use of physical ventilation
5. Conclusions


  • Gok Mi Kim Prof., Yonam College, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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