With Wenhai big data SaaS cloud platform.2.0, this study analyzed data of 135 news reports relating to Chinese city Chongqing from Yonhap News Agency and ten South Korean mainstream newspapers from May 1st, 2018 to September 30th, 2022. Under the framework of Frame Theory, this research conducted data mining and analysis on how Korean mainstream media shaped city image of Chongqing, what kind of city images were shaped from dimensions of politics, economy, society, culture & sports as well as tourism and whether they are consistent with those in Chinese media. At the last part, discussions and suggestions was made.
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background and literature review
2.1 Frame theory and news frame
2.2 City image and Chongqing image in foreign media
3. Methodology
4. News frame of Korean media
4.1 Macrostructure: 5 themes
4.2 Mesostructure: the reporting volume and semantic tendency
4.3 Microstructure: text and word frequency
5. Discussions
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical background and literature review
2.1 Frame theory and news frame
2.2 City image and Chongqing image in foreign media
3. Methodology
4. News frame of Korean media
4.1 Macrostructure: 5 themes
4.2 Mesostructure: the reporting volume and semantic tendency
4.3 Microstructure: text and word frequency
5. Discussions