

Culture Convergence (CC)

Inclusive Design in Digital Medical Interface Adaptation for the Elderly




Addressing challenges posed by an aging society, this study explores inclusive design orientations for digital medical interfaces catering to the elderly. The aim is to enhance inclusiveness and optimize interactive experiences within the medical system for senior users. Employing inclusive design concepts, the study analyzes characteristics through literature, focusing on functional purpose, interactive behavior, and emotional expression in digital medical interface design for the elderly. User research methods, including in-depth interviews and field research, generate user personas and behavioral analysis diagrams, organizing and categorizing pain points for elderly patients with chronic diseases. The study proposes principles for improving service touchpoints based on inclusiveness, optimizing pain point types and design processes in age-friendly services. These enhancements aim to help the elderly adapt to and integrate into a digital lifestyle.Incorporating inclusive design principles enhances the inclusiveness of service design, improving the service experience for the elderly. Age-friendly service design with inclusiveness serves as a valuable entry point for research targeting elderly populations and provides practical strategies for age-friendly medical service process design.


2. Age-friendly Challenges in Inclusive Design
3. Key Issues in the Inclusive Design of Digital Medical Aging
4. Strategies for Age-Friendly Digital Medical Interface Design
5. Practical Implementation of Digital Medical Interface Design for the Elderly
6. Conclusions


  • Liu Ming Hua A Ph.D., Department of Global Fine Art, Kyonggi University., Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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