

Culture Convergence (CC)

The Impact of Shared Leadership on Organizational Commitment and Career Development in Startups




Due to the relative lack of concerns and research on organizational career development in startups, we study aimed to reveal the impact of shared leadership in startups on organizational career development through organizational commitment. The research method was an online survey targeting 200 startup members from April 11 to April 28, 2023, and a total of 195 copies were used in the final analysis. As a result of the study, first, among the shared leadership of startups, development and mentoring were found to have a positive impact on emotional commitment. Second, among the shared leadership of startups, planning and organizing, support and empathy were found to have a positive impact on continuous commitment. Third, planning and organizing, support and empathy had a positive impact on normative commitment. Third, among startups' shared leadership, planning and organizing, support and empthy had a positive impact on normative commitment. Fourth, emotional and continuous commitment were found to have a positive impact on improving career goals in organizational career growth. Fifth, emotional and continuous and normative commitment were each found to have a positive influence on the development of professional abilities in organizational career development. Lastly, emotional, continuous and normative commitment were all found to have a positive influence on the speed of promotion in organizational career growth. As a result, it is expected that the results of this study will be able to suggest shared leadership policy directions and goals for startups.


2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Shared Leadership in Startups
2.2. Organizational Commitment
2.3. Career Development
3. Research Method
3.1. Data Collection
3.2. Analysis Method
3.3. Hypotheses
4. The Result of Analysis
4.1. The Characteristics of Samples
4.2. Reliability and Validity of the Measurement Items
4.3. The Fit Test of Measurement Model
4.4. Research Hypothesis Verification Results
5. Conclusion


  • Chanuk Park Research Fellow, Content Research Bureau, Korea Culture & Tourism Institute, Korea
  • Sin-Bok Lee Assistant Professor, Business Administration, Nazarene University, Korea


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