

中国教育专家魏书生演讲的语言幽默策略研究- 哔哩哔哩网站魏书生演讲热门视频为例


A Study on the Humor Strategies of Chinese Education Expert Wei ShuSheng's Speech?focusing on the video of Wei ShuSheng's popular speech on the Bilibili website

洪偉, 김현태, 조진호

동북아시아문화학회 동북아 문화연구 제78집 2024.03 pp.237-252


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Based on the corpus of Chinese Education Expert Wei Shusheng's speech video on China's website Bilibili.com, this paper analyzes the linguistic features, generation mechanism, and humor strategies of Wei Shusheng's speeches from the perspectives of rhetoric and pragmatics. This paper holds that Wei Shusheng usually uses metaphors, repetition, parallelism, puns, exaggeration, allegory, and other rhetorical devices in his speeches, and makes humor by violating the cooperation principle and politeness principle of various linguistic communication and breaking various pragmatic presuppositions. Through these humorous strategies, Wei Shusheng vividly points out the key problems in teaching, highlights the key points and difficulties in learning, refutes students' wrong views, and satirizes bad social phenomena. At the same time, relevant sound characteristics and situational language, as well as other means are added to the speech and teaching, so that the refined and appropriate humorous language can help the teaching and speech to enlify the atmosphere, make the finishing point, and shorten the psychological distance between teachers and students and the audience, meanwhile achieve a appropriate degree of relaxation, so that the teaching and communication effect is fair enough, really attain the edutainment. In conclusion, as an influential educator in the field of education reform in China, Wei Shusheng's research on linguistic humor has unique value for both linguistics and pedagogy. This paper, as a case study of his linguistic humor, has a specific inspiration and demonstration role for the majority of front-line teachers in the use of educational teaching language.


  • 洪偉
  • 김현태
  • 조진호


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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